Proving your Claim for Long Term Disability in the U.S. Explained


If you were involved in an accident where you had suffered severe injuries resulting in a disability, consider looking for the conditions that qualify for long-term disability. Accidents are relatively common in the US due to the hectic lifestyle of the people. However, if you had suffered severe injuries in an accident causing it impossible for you to continue working, you may be eligible for long-term disability. It would be in your best interest to look for conditions that qualify for long-term disability in the U.S. Your lawyer could help you determine the conditions for LTD. 

How to prove your eligibility for long-term disability benefits 

Have you thought about filing a long-term disability claim? The foremost thing to do would be to consult the description in the LSD policy. The HR department of your company would also describe the exact definition of disability for you. 

Usually, you would qualify for long-term disability if you were unable to perform the essential duties of your occupation due to an injury or illness. In the event, your long-term disability policy offers compensation for partial disability, you might qualify for the benefits offered for your inability to work full-time at your company or workplace despite your competency to work full-time or part-time at another job. 

A majority of the policies would state that you could not file a long-term disability claim if you were still on the payroll of your employer. 

The opinion of the treating doctor 

In most social security disability cases, an important aspect in proving your disability in a long-term disability claim would be the opinion given by the doctor treating your injuries or disability. For receiving long-term disability benefits, your doctor should be asked to complete a form or give a written statement giving his opinion on your specific disability or medical condition. 

The opinion of the physician has been deemed of great importance, but the claims administrator would require objective proof of your long-term disability. Therefore, the claims administrator would also require your complete medical records and reports related to your disability. It would be inclusive of relevant lab results, clinic notes, x-rays, examination findings, MRIs, and surgical reports. 

To show an ongoing disability, consider continuing to receive treatment from the treating doctor while your long-term disability claim is pending. It could be done simultaneously even if you have been approved of the disability benefits. Rest assured that the insurance company could deny the long-term disability benefits based on the failure to discontinue treatment from the doctor.