Offshore Gambling: The Low Down On Offshore Gambling


Ok another discussion on the latest in and around the offshore gambling industry.

As we the online gaming community know that offshore gambling has been on the hot seat as of late. A major blow against Uncle Sam recently took place as a judge ruled in favor of the Antigua government stating that they were abiding by all rules and regulations and could continue business as normal. In my opinion it seems that if a company is really successful and continues to grow exponentially then our government definitely wants a hand in it. Also make note that if for someone reason the government fails to gain access to the operations then all measures to control or worse shut down the business in question takes place.

Now I am not saying what and how the government handles its affairs is exercised the wrong way, I just think it’s unfair the way they do it. If a company or business follows laws set forth by that country then what is the problem here. There was a time when overnight gambling outfits would come and go by morning leaving the novice player at best out of money. This would never happen nowadays with the offshore gambling monitor websites, as their sole purpose is to show who is legit or not. Also a cautious player will always investigate the Internet casino first where they plan on playing with or you will just be throwing away your money. Remember folks the key is find a reputable online casino who has a history of paying their customers on time and fairly.

When selecting an offshore gambling casino try and check on the web if there is anything bad said about them. A simple Google search would be sufficient but in the end you will have to use your better judgment and if many complaints come up on various issues or even a common single issue, that should be reason enough not join.

With that said there are only a handful of really exciting online casinos to play that are left. Not only are these Internet casinos honest and legit, they offer bonuses that no land based casino can. Offshore gambling sites have to get people from going to their local casino so they have to offer such things as even match on every deposit so basically you are getting more money to play with and for free. This is one of the reasons why offshore gambling is great. I cannot remember the last time I walked into a casino and for every dollar I spent they gave me another, can you?