What is Settlement Agreement in Your Personal Injury Case?


6 Steps for Finding the Right Lawyer | Seattle Personal Injury & Accident  Blog

If you have sustained injuries after being in a car accident, you have probably sought medical attention, documented your injuries, and filed your claim for compensation. Perhaps an insurance adjuster has contacted you and made a settlement offer. Your personal injury lawyer should help you understand whether an offer is reasonable or not. But, unless you are a law expert yourself, you may find settlement agreement confusing. Reputable Colorado Personal Injury Attorneys can break down everything you must know about settlement agreements and how they work. 

Understanding Settlement Agreement in a Personal Injury Case

A settlement agreement is reached when both parties come to terms on a resolution of the case. They agree on the specific outcome of the case. Both parties have the agreement put in writing and sign the document. Then, the parties execute the agreement by following settlement terms including making payment. 

Negotiating a Settlement Agreement

To negotiate a settlement agreement, you need to talk to the other party involved about how their willingness to resolve the case. You will need to have solid evidence with you to show and discuss. With your lawyer, you will review factual disagreements in-depth with the other party or just talk about options for resolving the case. Negotiating a settlement involves a discussion on the terms on which you might be able to agree. After you negotiate successfully, you can have your attorney put the settlement in writing and submit it to the court for signature. 

To increase your chances of ending up with a favorable negotiation, you must need more evidence to back up your back claim. That is why you must have a personal injury lawyer on your side to build a robust legal strategy before they try to negotiate a settlement for you. How much personal injury settlement amount you can get will depend on how strong your case is.