Use this secret keyword trick to rank on first page instantly


Are you trying to rank on first page of Google? Have you been trying it for days, weeks or months? What if there is a faster and better way to get to the first page of Google? The good news is, there is a better and faster way. You just have to stop using the broad keywords much and start focusing on longtail keywords to increase your ranking.

What are long-tail keywords?

Primarily there are two types of keywords:

  1. Broad
  2. Longtail

Broad keywords are regular keywords like ‘cars’, ‘coffee’, computers’, etc. Most of the people try to rank for these keywords and obviously get failed.

Suppose you sell used computers in Florida so it is hard for you to rank for a keyword like computers because there are already huge tech giants like Dell, Apple, etc on the first page.

But you can target a keyword like ‘used computers in Florida’. You can rank for this keyword and you will find lesser competition as well. These types of long keywords are called longtail keywords.

A longtail keyword consists of 3-7 words.

Benefits of longtail keyword

Longtail keyword enables you to narrow down your audience. You can target the specific people you are willing to target. Suppose you own a café in Arizona so definitely you want to target the local customers. You can do that with the help of longtail keywords easily.

Hire an agency for better growth

If you want to take your business to new heights, it is highly advisable to take an expert’s help. You can search for a good seo agency on internet. The benefit of taking help from an agency is that you can focus on your business and they will do the marketing. You do not have to bother about posting content every day because they will do everything.

You can just focus on growth.