Understanding employment discrimination in California


Discrimination Law in California Workplaces (2021 Guide)

Workplace and employment discrimination on various grounds is unlawful, as per Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which is enforced by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Your workplace is supposed to be safe and encouraging, but there are times when discrimination and harassment become evident. If you have suffered something similar, consider contacting an experienced Irvine employment discrimination lawyer, to know your options. In this post, we are discussing employment discrimination in California. 

Knowing types of workplace discrimination

Is discrimination same as harassment? Harassment is actually a form of discrimination. The term “discrimination” is used when a worker or employee has been discriminated on unfair grounds. Workplace discrimination can happen on many grounds, including age, gender, race, skin color, ethnicity, physical disability, pregnancy, national origin, and mental disability. A simple example of harassment, on the other hand, would be something like getting pestered by a supervisor for sexual favors. Both workplace discrimination and harassment are unlawful and should be reported. 

Examples of employment discrimination

  • Denying opportunities because of age, race, or gender
  • Wrongful termination
  • Denying employee compensation or benefits
  • Not offering equal pay for equal work
  • Discrimination based on pregnancy or maternity leave
  • Not giving right to use company facilities

 Should you consult an employment discrimination lawyer?

If you believe that you have suffered employment discrimination or harassment, your immediate step should be about informing your manager. In case the manager is to blame, consider reporting the same to the HR with all relevant evidence. The company is expected to take corrective action, but it is also quite possible that they retaliate against you. Hiring an employment discrimination lawyer is necessary when you are denied justice or a fair outcome. 

How can a lawyer help?

Just because you believe you have suffered harassment or employment discrimination doesn’t mean you have a case. Eventually, you have to prove the matter in court, which may not be an easy thing, especially if negotiations with the employer fails. An employment discrimination lawyer can help with – 

  1. Understanding your circumstances
  2. Reviewing your rights
  3. Considering the possible outcomes
  4. Understanding compensation outcome, where applicable
  5. Handling things in court

Most employers have big law firms working for them, and if you want to file a case of employment discrimination or harassment, you must consider legal representation. Ensure that you hire a lawyer with experience. 

Check online now for best-rated employment discrimination lawyers in Irvine.