Effective Treatments for Proctology Conditions


Most people think that hemorrhoids are the only medical condition that affects the rectum and anus. However, several diseases, such as anal condyloma and pruritus ani, may cause pain and discomfort in your anus and rectum. If you are looking for a specialist in proctology in Astoria, the Surgical Specialists of NY should be your ultimate choice.

What is proctology?

Proctology refers to a medical specialty focusing on medical conditions affecting your lower digestive tract. A proctologist, also known as a colorectal surgeon, is a medical specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases affecting your anus and rectum. Proctologists work together with gastroenterologists to provide personalized care for disorders affecting your digestive system. Colorectal surgeons have extensive experience in non-surgical and surgical treatment for anorectal diseases.

What are the different types of proctology conditions?

Proctologists at Surgical Specialists of NY only focus on benign diseases affecting your anus, rectum, and colon. Some of the common proctology conditions include:

Anorectal abscess

An anorectal abscess is an infected cavity that accumulates pus near your rectum or anus, leading to painful symptoms. Men are usually at a higher risk of developing anorectal pimples than women.


Hemorrhoids are a collection of swollen, enlarged veins that develop in your rectum or anus. Sometimes the walls of your veins may overstretch, causing them to bulge and become irritated, especially when pooping. Internal hemorrhoids may cause rectal bleeding, while external hemorrhoids cause itching, skin irritation, and pain. Hemorrhoids usually resolve on their own, while in severe cases, you may need immediate medical intervention.

Anal condyloma

Anal condyloma, also called anal warts, are genital warts that occur due to human papillomavirus (HPV). Anal condyloma rarely causes any pain or discomfort, but when they enlarge, they become irritated and may spread to your anus and genitals over time.

Anal fissures and fistulas

An anal fissure refers to a tear in your anal tissues during a strenuous bowel movement or due to high tension in your anal sphincters. Anal fistulas are abnormal tracts between your skin and your anus due to an anal infection.

Pruritus ani

Pruritus ani refers to intense chronic anal itching without any reason. This itchiness may also indicate anal fissures, anal fistulas, hemorrhoids, and incontinence.

Perianal dermatitis

Perianal dermatitis is a rash surrounding your anus due to poor hygiene, inflammatory skin conditions, contact dermatitis, and cancer.

How can a proctologist detect an anorectal condition?

During your appointment, the professional team at Surgical Specialists of NY conducts a thorough physical and discusses your symptoms to determine the underlying cause of your anal discomfort. They may also review your medical history. They may also perform the following tests if necessary:

  • Digital rectal exam
  • MRI or ultrasound
  • Anoscopy
  •  Flexible sigmoidoscopy

These tests provide a clear visual of your rectum, sphincter muscles, and anus.

What are the available proctology treatments?

Your treatment plan depends on your symptoms and the underlying cause of your discomfort. The team may recommend conservative therapy on your first appointment. If the symptoms persist, they may recommend surgery.

If you experience chronic itchiness or pain in your anus, call the Surgical Specialists office or book your spot online for treatment.